Supplier Code of Conduct | ACER ESG
Supplier Code of Conduct
Acer is a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), an alliance of the world' leading information and communications technology (ICT) companies. The RBA Code of Conduct establishes standards to ensure that working conditions in the electronics industry supply chain are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that business operations are environmentally responsible. Since 2008, we have been using the RBA code of conduct to serve as the standard for our suppliers. Benefits of RBA Code of Conduct can already been seen in the reduction of supplier' work duplication; improvement of our supplier' ability to meet social and environmental standards; and an increase of communication opportunities with stakeholders. Fundamental to adopting the Code is the understanding that a business, in all of its activities, must operate in full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which it operates. Additionally, suppliers should actively strive to meet internationally recognized standards and take on greater social and environmental responsibilities. The Supplier Code is made up of five sections:
Our supplier should confirm its understanding of the content of RBA Code of Conduct; complete or update the Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ); submit an improvement action and/or progress report to meet RBA Code of Conduct. All our manufacturing suppliers have to sign a “Declaration of Compliance with RBA Code of Conduct”, pledging not only their compliance with Acer requirements to disclose social and environmental information, but also to confirm their operations and their suppliers’ operations adhere to the RBA Code of Conduct and local laws. The purpose of this is to let suppliers clearly understand Acer' requirements regarding supplier conduct then obey it.
Acer holds the Supplier ESG Conference each year. The conference is the time when we announce the global trend and targets that we expect our suppliers to meet, which is in line with international practice. At the conference we introduced the RBA Code of Conduct, Noncompliance of on-site audit, labor rights, environmental responsibility and carbon management, ESG scorecard and other main issues. We will continue to communicate and cooperate with our suppliers in order to bring the collective strength of Acer' supply chain to bear on social and environmental issues. We are taking a more proactive stance and looking at the big picture as we investigate sustainable development issues that require our response.
In addition to adhering to the RBA Code of Conduct, Acer also requires suppliers to address issues such as energy management systems, biodiversity, etc., and has incorporated these issues in its supplier scoring criteria to implement a supplier control mechanism.