Materiality Survey | ACER ESG

Materiality Survey

Materiality Survey

The Sustainability Report is the important tool for the company to present non-financial information. To ensure that the information disclosed in the report responds to the expectations of stakeholders on the material topics, Acer regularly conduct surveys. The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand your thoughts on the importance of ESG topics. It will take you about 5 minutes to fill it out. Thank you! If you have any questions, please contact the Acer ESG office.


For the following governance/economic-related topics, please select how important you consider the topic to be. The more stars, the more important the topic, and the greater the impact/impact of the topic.


For the following environment-related topics, please select how important you consider the topic to be. The more stars, the more important the topic, and the greater the impact/impact of the topic.


For the following social topics, please select how important you consider the topic to be. The more stars, the more important the topic, and the greater the impact/impact of the topic.

${Math.ceil(answered / total * 100)}%

Your relationship with Acer

*Your relationship with Acer

Name of your organization/ company

*Name of your organization/ company

1. Innovative Research and Design

Investment in innovation capability enhancement, and efforts to acquire and protect intellectual property rights. Innovative products and services that respond to the development and evolution of society. In Addition to its PC and displays technology, Acer is focused on researching in areas such as machine learning, data analytics, AI-assisted medical solutions, as well as smart cities.


2. Corporate Governance and Ethics/ Code of Conduct

Corporate governance and the Standards of Conduct serve as the company's guidance and management mechanisms, including the setting of Company operating targets, monitoring reaching of targets and operational performance, and protecting the legal rights of shareholders and the interests of other stakeholders.


3. Public policy and Initiative

Provide advice on public policy making to influence the development of public policy by participating in industry associations.


4. Supplier Environmental and Social Management & Performance

Work with suppliers to reduce environmental risks and improve environmental performance in the overall supply chain, building on a foundation of respect for human rights and sharing social and environmental responsibility with the supply chain.


*Please fill out Question 1, 2, 3, 4 .


5. Energy, Carbon Emissions and Climate Action

Due to global climate change and extreme climate, more than 100 countries have announced the goal of net zero emissions and have successively implemented policies such as energy conservation and carbon reduction, renewable energy, carbon tariffs, and other climate action plans, affecting the operation of companies and becoming the risks and opportunities which the company has to face up to.


6. Circular Economy and Product Life Cycle

Through product lifecycle management, reduce their potential impact on the environment. And actively strive to find a balance between product management and environmental performance in order to make our products more environmentally and commercially competitive.


7. Water Resource Management

Water resource management plan, consumption performance and waste water discharge.


8. Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the important natural capital. The company has to realize the risks associated with their operations to take the mitigation actions.


*Please fill out Question 5, 6, 7, 8 .


9. Information Security and Privacy Protection

Improve the information security management system, including the establishment of policies, notifications, management, and prevention mechanisms, and incorporate information security into the company’s management goals. Comprehensively protect customer data in product design and services; in terms of privacy protection, implement personal data protection policies and measures, as well as related complaints handling mechanisms.


10. Product Responsibility and Customer Security

Ensure the quality and security of the product and service. And efforts on prevention and control of the impact on users.


11. Talent Attraction, Retention and Development

Staff composition, hiring and turning over, competitive compensation. Investment in and development of potential future employees (e.g. industry-academia cooperation plan, intern program)


12. Human Right, Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Equal remuneration for women and men; Diversity and equal opportunity; Non-discrimination; Freedom of association and collective bargaining; Provide multiple communication channels. To cultivate an engaged culture, open and consistent communication can promote healthy employee relations.


13. Occupational Health and Safety

It is vital to provide a safe and healthy working environment and strengthening staff health management to maintain the Company's competitiveness.


14. Digital Inclusion and Community Philanthropy

The company uses core competencies to solve and alleviate social and environmental issues faced by human beings, and indirectly reduce the company's business risks and increase its development opportunities. Promote digital inclusion so that everyone can enjoy the convenience and opportunities that technology brings.


Among the above topics, is there an ESG topic that you care about missing? If so, please write it down and briefly explain it.

*Please limit to 500 words or less.

*Please fill out Question 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 .


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