Performance Management and Development | ACER ESG

Performance Management and Development

Performance Management and Development

Performance Management and Development


Acer collaborates with supervisors and colleagues to set annual work goals at the beginning of each year. Mid-year discussions are held to align objectives, and performance evaluations are conducted from the end of the year to the beginning of the following year. The aim is to effectively develop employees, provide timely rewards, establish a talent pool, and adjust organizational goals through performance assessments. The individuals involved in the performance assessment process are primarily full-time
employees. They begin by conducting a self-evaluation and then undergo a review by their supervisors. The assessment does not include employees on short-term contracts or those still in the probationary period. 


In 2023, the proportion of employees worldwide involved in performance evaluations reached 97%. Starting in 2022, the Global Employee Performance Review incorporates SBC, which require supervisors to assess performance while also considering employees commitment to conducting business legally, ethically and with integrity.

Type of Performance EvaluationPercentage of all employees
Management by objectives: Systematic use of measurable goals agreed upon by the line manager97%
Multidimensional performance appraisal (e.g., 360-degree feedback)1%
Official comparative ranking within the same employee category97%

Type of Performance Evaluation

Proportion of Employees Worldwide Involved in Performance Appraisal, 2023

 Staff Receiving Performance Appraisals (A)Total Number of Staff Who Must Take the Performance Appraisal (B)Performance Participation RateOverall Performance Participation Rate(A/B)







Technical Staff4751365500143395%95%95%
Specialist Staff79285080287399%97%98%
Management Staff33972734875097%97%97%
Administrative Staff37527838028299%98%98%
  1. Short-term (one year or less) hires and those with short working hours can be difficult to track the effectiveness of, working and therefore are not included in the appraisals
  2. Those hired since October and are examined at the completion of that period and as such are not subject to the same performance appraisal.
  3. AOpen, Weblink, ACSI, Acer Synergy Tech, and ISU IPO companies are not included in the appraisal.
  4. The evaluation period is 2024 Q1, and the total number of current employees who must be evaluated during the evaluation period is captured.
  5. The number of employees undergoing performance evaluation is the number of employees who have completed self-evaluation operations or supervisors have completed evaluation operations at the end of March 2024.