Enfinitec Poland Minimizes Resources by Reducing, Reusing and Recycling Packaging | ACER ESG

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Enfinitec Poland Minimizes Resources by Reducing, Reusing and Recycling Packaging


Enfinitec Poland (PL) is Acer's subsidiary in Europe responsible for service and repair business. Observing constant price increases of packaging materials and having in mind its environmental responsibility, Enfinitec PL decided to put even more focus on packaging reuse and reduction. Among other ongoing activities, Enfinitec PL has started to refurbish the good quality boxes containing spare parts, but contain a lot of labels, tapes, and markings. An assessment was made to check how many boxes could be recovered and reused, hence reducing waste and new box use.


The results were very promising. The assessment determined that 3,400 boxes could be recovered per month, per person! This initiative would not only lessen CO2 emissions due to reduced waste but also lower costs by limiting the use of new boxes, and in turn, help to save more tress from being cut down. Based on the following data, recycling one ton of cardboard saves 17 trees, along with 4,000 kW of electricity, 6.6 million Btu of energy, and 31.8 tons of water. In the last months Enfinitec PL recovered over 3 tons of boxes for reusing.


At the same time Enfinitec PL has started to shred old boxes to use as filling material instead of bubble wrap or foil. This also helped to lower the cost of packaging used and significantly reduce carton waste generated in the process. In 2022, Enfinitec PL recovered 18 tons of cardboard as filling material.


These activities are only two examples of the green approach that is in the nature of Enfinitec PL team. New ideas will come!



We have been cooperating with Enfinitec for almost a decade, delivering dozens of types of packaging every day. We are pleased that our cooperation allows us to develop further improvements that have a positive impact on the environment. As a packaging distributor, we are happy to see so much environmental awareness at Enfinitec.


Waldemar Biernacki / CEO & co-owner

Zapakujemy.pl,  Wrocław 

The packaging market is dynamic, so is the situation of packaging waste. As a conscious user and end consumer, we try to make our carbon footprint as small as possible, hence, came the idea to simultaneously minimize costs by using available packaging from producers and distributors. Even a seemingly simple solution such as a “second life product” implemented for packaging, illustrates the potential of savings on waste and the final costs for the company.


Magdalena Szymanek / Quality Controller

ISO Champion,  Enfinitec Wrocław



Boxes containing spare parts are reused and recycled by Enfinitec PL to reduce costs, resources usage, and CO2 emissions.