ESG Project Awards | ACER ESG

ESG Project Awards

ESG Project Awards

The Acer Group operates in more than 160 countries around the world, and Acer subsidiaries in all regions are not only concerned with local social issues, but also take action to participate in community activities. To encourage employees to propose projects that respond to the United Nations' sustainability goals, and in conjunction with the company's Project Humanity global program, the Acer Global ESG Project Awards have been held for seven consecutive years to encourage employees to be creative and actively participate in community activities, demonstrating the corporate culture and spirit from the inside out.

ESG Project Awards

The ESG Project Awards incorporate the social return on investment (SROI), the London Benchmark Group (LBG) Framework for assessment of community investment, and the response and contribution to Acer's mission and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into the assessment rubric for these awards. Through the integration of regional subsidiaries and staff activities, the impact of the ESG program has grown each year, and some subsidiaries have received local ESG awards.。   

The 2023 Acer Global ESG Project Awards continues to focus on themes of "education" and "environment" and add "biodiversity" as a sub-theme under the theme of “environment”. The projects developed around the world demonstrated the following features:

  • Leveraging core competencies and products to achieve social impact.
  • Working in tandem with various stakeholders to create ESG synergy.
  • Active participation by Acer staff, boosting their identification and satisfaction with the Company.

Social Impact of Acer's Global ESG Projects in 2023

Man-Hours Invested

37896 hours


Total Monetary Value of All Contributions (NTD)



People Touched and Assisted

61903 people


Partnered Stakeholders